So since we've moved to Ogden I (Holly) have had sort of a hard time. I struggled finding a job, I had no friends close by, and I just felt like I wasn't accomplishing anything. So I decided to try and find things that did go right. Here are my blessings since moving to Ogden:
1. I got a UTI. Now I know many of you are saying how could a UTI be a blessing? Well let me explain. I have had this unexplainable rash on my arms, chest, back and face since at least December. Well when I got my UTI I was given Sulfameth to take care of it. Turns out I am highly HIGHLY allergic to Sulfa. So then my body got covered with hives so thick and red that I looked like a lobster. So then I got to take four medicines to get rid of the hives. And guess what? They got rid of the unexplainable rash too! Blessing.
2. I got a job a Blockbuster. Whoo Hoo! This caused me to take a huge bite of humble pie and ignore that my two BA degrees can't really get me a job at all. I guess I wasn't as humble as I thought. Blessing.
3. We got a dog. Cora has kept me from going crazy these past few months while looking for a job. She also has chewed holes in her bed three times. This allowed me to finally get up the courage to learn how to hand sew since my machine is broken. Good thing because the next day a button came off of John's pants in the wash. Now it's all fixed. I'm a seamstress!! Blessing.
4. I've had a lot of free (boring) time. Now I know four new ways to do my hair. Blessing.
5. Our AC broke and our apartment was 93 degrees at midnight. Made me glad we don't live in the Sahara Desert (which actually means Desert Desert but who cares). Blessing.
I know that these haven't been big blessings like I got a great job with benefits so that we have insurance or anything like that. But I've been trying to stay positive and finding these little blessings has helped.
I hope you all have and can find the Bitty Blessings in your own life. Love you all!
11 years ago